Story Time with Afram 2016

In a bid to promote reading among children, Afram Publication instituted Story Time with Afram, a reading clinic in 2014. This entails reading sessions during which authors and editors of selected story books read portions of their books, share ideas and answer questions, and interact with pupils and readers.
This year’s edition of the reading clinic was held on Friday, October 7, 2016, at the forecourt of Afram’s premises at Achimota. Pupils present had the opportunity to interact with Prof. Esi Sutherland-Addy (Board Chairperson), John Agandin (author of Adventures of Asuom), and Mrs. Ohui Allotey (Editor); who read portions of the selected books (Adventures of Asuom & Who Told the Most Incredible Story?) to the pupils. Participating schools included Victory Presby School, Adenta-Frafraha; Manna Mission School, Teshie; and Blessed Home School, Dome.
Pupils asked questions and learnt and sang folk songs. Pupils were particularly curious about Asuom and stories from the North, and had fun with the folk songs. Each pupil got a reader, a note pad, and a pen; and the schools got some books for their libraries. Participants were refreshed thereafter.

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